Suara Pembaruan, 18 Juli 1997

Japan Helps ‘Al-Anshar Timor Timur’ Foundation  in Ujungpandang

Ujungpandang  – The Japanese Government through its Consulate General in Ujungpandang,  South Sulawesi Province,  helps  ‘Al-Anshar Timor Timur’ Foundation in Ujungpandang to support  the education of orphan and poor children from East Timor  studying in Ujungpandang.

The grant amounting to 80 million rupiahs (about US $ 35,000.00 in 1997) will be used to build a dormitory and its supportive facilities. Contract to give the grant was signed Tuesday (July 15) by Japanese Consul General in Ujungpandang Mr Takaichi Yoneda and Chair of ‘Al-Anshar Timor Timur’ Foundation Mr Mohammad Juari.

Mr Yoneda said that the Japanese Government gave the grant on humanitarian ground.  “It is not based on selective native origin or others, but solely because of humanitarian feeling,” said he.